No Bra Day’ is a celebration observed on October 13 every year in order to raise awareness of breast cancer and encourage ladies to take care of their breasts. It is a holiday focusing on breast health and comfort.
October is Breast cancer awareness month and ladies are encouraged to forgo their bras on ‘No Bra Day’ in an effort to raise awareness of breast cancer.
It is also a day to show support for women who have been survivors of breast cancer or are currently battling breast cancer, especially women who have had a mastectomy- a surgery to remove all breast tissue from a breast as a way to treat or prevent breast cancer.
These women who are breast cancer survivors usually need to wear a prosthesis (artificial breasts) to hide the fact that a breast or breasts have been removed, which prevents them from going out without putting on a bra.
‘No Bra Day’ was first commemorated on July 9, 2011, however, after three years it was shifted to October’s National Breast Cancer Awareness Month’s 13th day.
Some breast cancer signs are lumps, rashes, redness, discharge, and soreness around the nipples as well as changes in the texture and look of the breast.
The health benefits of going braless for at least a day are improved breast skin condition from dirt, sweat, pores, and irritations.
Non-sagging breasts as your breasts get enhanced.
Not wearing a bra can strengthen your breasts and give them a muscular tone.
Increased blood flow as wearing a bra all day can be uncomfortable.