My husband was recently diagnosed with Glaucoma. Kindly let me know what kind of disease is this and if I can also catch it from my husband.
Adeline (by SMS)
Glaucoma refers to a buildup of pressure within the eye that causes damage to the optic nerve. The front part of the eye contains a clear fluid, the aqueous humor. This fluid nourishes the eye and gives it its shape. The eye constantly produces this fluid and drains it away through a drainage system. If a person has glaucoma, the fluid drains too slowly out of the eye. When this happens, fluid builds up, and pressure inside the eye rises. If a person does not manage this pressure, it may damage the optic nerve and other parts of the eye, leading to vision loss. Glaucoma is a common eye condition that affects people as they get older. It happens when fluid does not drain from the eye, increasing pressure and the risk of damage to the optic nerve. It may have no symptoms in the early stages but can lead to vision loss. Regular eye tests can help detect changes that will enable a person to start treatment, usually with eye drops. This treatment can slow or prevent vision loss. Glaucoma usually affects both eyes, although it may affect one eye more severely than the other. Experts do not know exactly what causes glaucoma, but some health conditions such as a tumor, diabetes, hypothyroidism, an advanced cataract, or inflammation can increase the risk. The symptoms of glaucoma appear suddenly and include: eye pain, usually severe, blurred vision, nausea and possibly vomiting, seeing halo-like glows around lights, red eyes as well as sudden, unexpected vision problems, especially in poor lighting. Treatment by a specialist aims to improve the flow of fluid from the eye, reduce fluid production, or both. If drugs do not help, or if the person cannot tolerate them, a doctor may recommend surgery. There is no known way to prevent glaucoma, but early diagnosis and treatment can improve the chance of preventing vision loss. It is essential to have regular eye checks because this is the only way to detect glaucoma in the early stages. Fortunately, the condition is not contagious, as such, you have no fear of catching it from your husband.